Newborn portrait studio tour!

June 27, 2016  •  1 Comment

Welcome to our studio! I have been wanting to post photos of our space for ages, and I finally decided that "perfect is the enemy of done" and I am putting these up even though the space is not perfectly tidy and I'm still working on decorating and hanging studio samples.

This way you can get an idea what to expect when you visit. Here is our area for ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE NEWBORN PROPS! Baskets, buckets, and tubs, oh my! Clearly I am out of room so I shall be getting no more props. HA HA HA HA! My husband probably wishes that was true! Thank goodness for basements and closets! ;)

Our sweet little shelf from the Dixboro General Store (Love that place!)

New parent napping/snacking/coffee corner:


And then here is a view of the half of the room that holds the newborn posing beanbag and lovely big windows that are great for natural light portraits of babies. If you turn around at this spot you face the wall that holds backdrops and studio lights, but that view wasn't as pretty. :) I tend to photograph newborns in natural light in this spot, and families against the backdrop with studio lighting. Of course, in addition to our lovely bright studio, we have ten wooded acres outside for gorgeous outdoor portraits. And you are welcome to come for a free consultation and have a look in person! Just give us a call, we absolutely love in-person pre-consultations. The more we communicate beforehand, the more satisfied you will be with your final product!

Thanks for touring and hope to see you soon!


You have a lovely studio. It looks very calm and inviting and wonderful for portraits!
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