"When you photograph a face...you photograph the soul behind it."

May 24, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I am sometimes asked, “Do you ONLY do newborns?” and the answer is no – I love portraits of all kinds! Faces are endlessly fascinating to me. (Human or animal faces – just ask my family and friends who are tired of seeing endless pictures of my pets. Although in my defense my pets are the cutest. And I have a lot of them...)

Because I am getting more non-newborn/maternity inquiries lately, I’ve added a family and a senior gallery to my website – check them out!

I am also sometimes asked about weddings, and those I do not do! At least not big, formal ones. I LOVE weddings. They make me cry, I love bridal portraits and flowers and love and families gathered in celebration – once I did aspire to be a wedding photographer. But I quickly realized that the ability to capture beautiful images is only a fraction of what makes a good wedding photographer. You have to be able to keep an unwieldy (possibly intoxicated) group to a tight time schedule, you have to be able to make large groups of people do what you need them to do quickly, without coming across rude, you have to deal with family dynamics, and be cool under immense pressure. None of those are my strengths, by a long shot! I love a casual, backyard wedding though! And I follow a ton of wedding photographers because I love their images. But my personality is better suited to a lower stakes situation for sure.

At any rate, check out the galleries and give me a call if you need senior photos or a family session!


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